Robin blogging about dev stuff

My first conference talk

Since 2009 I have been involved as an organizer in a user group for .net developers in sweden called SweNug (Sweden .NET user group). This year a group of SweNug organizer in Stockholm (and some other people) decided to host a conference in the spirit of SweNug called Swetugg. The conference had about 200 visitors.

First of all I would like to thank all the participants, speakers and of course the organizers for a great conference with a great atmosphere and interesting presentations.

I had submitted a talk to this conference and it got accepted. The subject I choose to talk about was “Introduction to F#” where I started of talking about some basic concepts in functional programming like immutable datastructures and also why you as a systemdeveloper should care about functional programming.

I went on showing some syntax from F# and talked about some keywords and type provides. If you would like to view my slides from the talk (in Swedish) you can download the PDF here.

At the end of my presentation I showed three examples of how I solved FizzBuzz in F# and how to test your F# code with C#. This code is available on GitHub.

This was a great experience for me and although I was very nervous before my talk I think it went well and I’m looking forward to next time.

EDIT If you wish to see my talk it’s now on Youtube.

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